Friday, May 21, 2010


Because I think there may be some confusion from my last blog entry, I wanted to clarify something.

The rule changes that are being proposed will not make breech, twins, VBACs and postdates 'illegal' or absolute risk factors for licensed midwives. They will still be 'allowed' to attend them out of hospital.

But, they are creating stringent criteria in each of those categories, proposing to dictate under what terms a VBAC, breech, twin, postdate birth would be considered safe enough to stay home (with a licensed midwife).

For example, if the baby is breech, is must be frank breech with an estimated fetal weight less than __gms. Or....once you hit 41 weeks, you must have a weekly biophysical profile and get a score of __ or better to continue with a homebirth. (AGAIN, THIS IS JUST AN EXAMPLE OF SOME OF WHAT I HAVE HEARD BEING PROPOSED. ITS STILL ALL IN PROCESS).

Oregon's current rules dictating what is an absolute risk factor for out of hospital birth with a licensed midwife are very BROAD with lots of grey area. They were originally written this way on purpose.

It should be up to each mother and each midwife individually to decide if they are comfortable proceeding with an out of hospital birth, not up to the licensing board. I think that the informed choice process is critical in this issue.

So, when writing those letters, please remember they are not (at this point) discussing making VBACs, twins, breeches, and postdates illegal...but are trying to put restrictions and set in stone guidelines around them. (Not good for birthing women!)

Come to the meetings if you can!!!


Cheri said...

Are the meetings in Salem? I'm sort of stuck up in Gresham otherwise I'd love to come down for one or all of them. I'll definatley be writing a letter either way though.

L said...

Yeah, they are all in Salem.
Thanks for writing a letter, though!!!