Sunday, March 16, 2008

Welcome, Baby!

Last night, a beautiful baby boy was born! I had the honor of being present and serving the mother however she needed me to. It was my first birth as the "assistant midwife". It was just great. Woman's strength is awe inspiring, everytime! It was her 3rd baby, 2nd born at home. She is Russian, and I thought how fitting it was that my first birth that I attend on my path to midwifery is with a Russian family (I have always felt like Russia is my 'motherland' and have always dreamed of returning and living there).

R. did really, really well with me gone!! I left him during his nap in the middle of the day, and returned around midnight, and he had just gone to sleep. He struggled a little with falling asleep without nursing, but it went just fine. I am so thrilled!!! Yipee!!!!

We have one first-time mom due "anyday" and that is it for April due dates (though there are some early May dates, and those could birth early, of course).

I had such a hard time really sleeping last night, I was too excited. I was very tired, but my mind was just jumping up and down all night, the excitement was too much!!

I am at peace.

(Originally posted in April, 2006)

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